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Borodino Train Station Rich Weiley
Borodino Train StationLaate game counterattack saw a German HS weave through fire to recapture the railway station. Russian 9-2 surrendered via HOB! Minedog
The Paw of the Tiger antro
The Guards CounterattackMy sniper was decisive, killing the German 9-1 and 9-2 early in the match. von Garvin
Terroristen!! Danno
Terroristen!!ROAR STATS paint an ugly picture. But our playing came down to German 8-0 surviving a 16 -2 shot to help surround the Partisan 9-2 with a 5-2-7 and 3-3-7. Then everyone else swarmed the 9-2 who rolled a 10 on a final protective fire and broke the stack. Unable to rout, they were eliminated and the Germans won with 15 CVP. But had the 9-2 survived, the Germans would have been unable to take the last two buildings with only a single turn remaining. So...the Partisans can win this one. Really, they can. Think like Partisans and make it happen. grumblejones
Battle for the Warta LineThe Germans attacked in force on the south side of the battlefield with a small force moving through the woods in the center. The Poles placed a majority of the wire in the woods which severely slowed the German advance. However, the major thrust on the South moved quickly while the Poles struggled to shift their forces from the North and center to the South. The Poles were able to break a number of German squads on turns 2 and 3. But the 9 broken morale allowed the German units to rally quickly. By the end of Turn 4 the Germans were on Hill 547 in force with two MMGs and the 9-2 leader. This position blocked the Poles from being able to reinforce the south side leaving the door open for the Germans to exit. The German gun was never unhooked and OBA played no roll. Heloanjin
Escape to the Elbe Danno
Escape to the ElbeRough battle as the terrain is maddening to move through. Russians need to defend the choke points and placing rubble prior to play is key. Danls Germans came in and fought the terrain for the first two turns. By Turn 3, we were fighting it out. By the end of Turn 5, The Germans had exited three full half-tracks, but all three STUG's were knocked out along with several of the halftracks. Turn 4 had been devastating as two STUGS and two full half-tracks were destroyed in that turn alone. Scenario looks to be very challenging for the German player. grumblejones
What Doesn’t Kill You Bongiovanni
Panzer Graveyard Bongiovanni
The Fifth's Rearguard Danno
The Fifth's RearguardMy Russians couldn't get across the fortified MLR. My reinforcements got clobbered by the HIP 75 with both SU-76's knocked out and two squads and the 8-1 broken. Unable to get through the mines and wire, I was forced to give it up and concede. My PREP Fire and D-Fire rolls with 12 and 16 factor shots were not landing. Gotta get some results or you ain't going anywhere...movement only gets you so far... grumblejones
Used and AbusedMy GI's started out hot and really put it to the attacking Japaneese however, after malfing a Baz and 50 cal which, disabled on the next turn. They fought on bravely but by turn 5 were surrounded. Roar currently has this at 17 to 4 in favor of the japaneese. Suggestions after 2 playing to even that up would to be have the Japaneese enter from off board and allow bore sighting SGT Mac
In the Vanguard Bongiovanni
Race for the BerezinaTigers knocked out 5 Shermans and then MALF'd one in Intensive Fire and then it was RECALLED. Another Tiger would be knocked out in a Bounding Fire Rear Shot. The remaining Tiger moved to cut off the exit and then Boxcar'd the First Fire Roll and the Russians exited off for the win. Bad dice afflicted the Germans. With decent dice, the Russians would probably not stand a chance in this one. grumblejones
Race for the BerezinaFirst to play and post. Danno
Light 'em UpAnother static Manila defensive scenario for my Japanese. The low American morale isn't much of a problem with good cover. With US HS's the same strength as a 2nd line Japanese squad, most CC's - and there were a lot - went to the Americans. The Japanese don't have much incentive to fire as retaining concealment and skulking might buy enough time for the them.

In my game it almost worked, but the sheer amount of firepower the Americans have was too much. My friend's slow and steady pressure melted my forces before him. The game was effectively over with one turn to go, but I decided to see if some miracle would happen with my last leader, squad, and crew on the first level of the last building that hadn't fallen. The US flamethrower sealed their fate, and I lost every single unit in my OB.

Having played the first four M:S&F scenarios as the Japanese has not been exciting so far. They are put in pretty static positions and have to hope for the best. Not the most exciting way to play.
Kampfgruppe at KarachevIt took me 3 turns to get into the right position, On the forth turn I let loose the dogs of war. My tanks freezed german stacks (3 of them) his GUN did nothing, then the infantry pushed, 1 DC placed and I was able to send I squad in his backyard. He quickly lost 3,5 squads to Failure to rout. On his 4th turn he broke the GUN while the Stug try to get into position. Unfortunately for him on my 5th turn I CH his GUN and vaporizede it getting to 19 CVP while one of mine T34 got into the back of his TD and dispatched it with a CH.
The scenario ended here but the situation was not so bright at the beginning of my 4th turn, mine was a desperate move because if I had played it safely he would have put into better position his infantry and the reinforcement would have closed any possible exit strategy. VC are very hard on Russian that cannot risk his precious tanks (he need them to exit) but the terrain is horrible and the exit area easily defended. Basically you cannot plan to win on CVP if the German doesn't stand and fight because you basically need to wipe our almost his entire OOB. So you need to exit those points but it's really hard. Plan accordingly.
Remember that ground and level -1 hex adjacent to a marsh are BOG hexes for AFVs.

This is a classic on forest warfare and it's highly advised to be played.
Defiance on Hill 30came to the last round, German HS in one building location broke and American could advance and prevent German win SimonPz
Uncles and Pups
Friday the 13th Bongiovanni
Bridge at Remagen Lorenzoknight
Shouting Into The StormWent down to the last CC when the russian where not able to snatch one building hex from my Germans.
One Tiger rolled 12 on the start and another broke MA on its second shot. Those IS survived 2 frontal PFs and 2 88LL shots. In the end they all went down.
The Russian FT had a field day, killed 2 AFVs and vaporized many MMCs stayed in the game till the very end. Those 122 hit everything they shot at. It was a wild scenario. Highly reccomended.
Hot TigersOn setup, the Russians failed to consider Deliberate Immobilization resulting in poor placement for most of the guns. The Russians did get a couple good opportunities to wreck or immobilize the advancing German Tigers, but the TH rolls for the first two turns were well above average and, despite ROF of 3 on the guns, rate was seldom rolled. At turn 4, 3 Tigers and 1 Stug were wrecked/immobilized. But with only 1 gun, 2 squads and no leaders remaining, the Russians conceded. Heloanjin
Bridge at Remagen Dispang12
HKL 259 A15.4er
HedgehogFun scenario ! The Russian attackers were able to gather their forces and mauled the German defenders with kill stacks and hot dices. The German gave ground but began to cause heavy casualties on the Russian attackers. However, they were not able to withstand the Russian firepower who ended with 16 CVP on the last turn. lt_steiner
Hot Tigers A15.4er
Renewed PressureCrossing the open ground did not go well, though by turn 3 they did have a foothold in the village with the help of three Berserk squads (2 were created in the rally phase). With the level of casualties and the German AE coming on, the game was called with the commitment to try again. The Russian reinforcements came on the south on board 44 under cover, but late getting into the fight. dmareske
Aiding the Local Constabulary (2 player)Interesting scenario with a simultaneous setup. ASLSKGwahlur
Rise of the Viet Minh Danno
Rise of the Viet MinhGame ended very prematurely when a Viet Minh LMG hit the three Pack Mules with a snakes. Game over before it began. grumblejones
PascuccioOur second go at an Orsogna scenario, and one that to begin with I didn't enjoy. The Maoris have a tough time making progress in mud against a German force which, though small, has mines, trenches, wire, PFZs, a HMG and a 50mm AT Gun, all in potentially dominating positions. Rain starting immediately and poor MC rolls from the Maoris made my job even harder. However, things improved when the German AT Gun malf'ed and I started breaking a few of his units, so that by the start of my final turn I controlled two buildings and had a chance (albeit a remote one) of clearing the Germans from the other three. At this point though the dice failed me, and I conceded when it became clear I couldn't clear the first of these buildings.
Like other Orsogna scenarios, this felt different from the usual ASL, undoubtedly reflecting the realities of this battle. I ended up liking it, though I suspect Orsogna scenarios in general will get a "Marmite" reaction from people.
Between The Devil And The Deep Blue Sea TiltingAtCthulhu
Magnificent Beasts of PreyOne of the Russian ISU 152's got several critical hits which tipped the scales for a Russian victory. Lorenzoknight
The Grim Reaper's LairAs the Japanese, I decided to put everything in the cemetery and totally forfeit the two buildings. I figured I should be able to inflict some casualties at some point to make the doubling of the Japanese CVP tough. Plus, I just wanted to see if it could be done. The major drawback to my strategy was that if the Americans inflicted even one CVP before I did any damage, the game was lost because they could just pull out of LOS and tear up any Japanese units that exited the cemetery.

That very situation happened when I rolled a 12 on a MC on turn three giving the Americans one point to my none. Fortunately for me, there were units in my narrow LOS, and I was able to get one CVP for myself in the DFPh. After that, the Americans had a very difficult time storming the cemetery gates and the casualties piled up. My friend called it down eight CVP on the bottom of turn six.

Neither of us had fun with this scenario as we played it. My forces just sat in the cemetery waiting for the Americans to try and storm the gates. I rolled pretty terribly and broke way more weapons than I should have. My friend was frustrated with the half FP vs my defenders and a +3 DRM. All the adjacent locations next to the gates are open ground (except for one with shellholes - which I of course put wire on it) so that made it even tougher. He used smoke, but with a six ML, the Americans are just too brittle. Other than the unique cemetery terrain to try out, this scenario wasn't very fun.
Torment at TormuaThe Finns tried an "in out" defence with one ATG near the village and the other further up the road. I sent a platoon from the Western group towards the road to cut off any
HIP Finnish units on the road and to harass any attempt to move the ATGs back into the village. This proved successful and every Finnish unit guarding the road ended up being eliminated while both ATGs were captured. This put the Finns into a CVP hole from which it proved impossible to recover. At game end, the Russians controlled seven out of twelve buildings and had a substantial edge in casualty points.
Anhalt Pandemonium Blaze
The Daring OnesFirst to play and post. Danno
The Daring OnesVery...very tough on the Italian infantry. ELR of 2 is devastating with no Rally bonus terrain and moving in the open. By Turn 3, 5 Italian squads were KIA'd along with the 8-1. The 9-1 had ELR'd and only two 4-4-7's were not ELR'd. Every Italian was broken at the end of Turn 3. Only the Italian tanks were still in play as the Italians conceded. Italians need a decent MG or a MTR. Greeks need an ATR at the very minimum. Scenario is dicey and will likely produce a blowout for either side. grumblejones
Magnificent Beasts of Prey Dispang12
Death to FascismI bought the .50 HMG and placed in the obvious lvl 1, it rarely did anything but at least my opponent was scared for some time to stay on his lvl 1.
I was able attacking in the center en masse to get to the hill and run down the road with the help of some smoke.
The Rumanians were a tough nut to crack, passing multiple 1MC end even a couple of 3MC.
My tanks went mainly to the hill, to help get into the main village.
The gun was behind the village to guard it from encirclement.
Little by little i crept forward and neutralized most fire points with mass and tank fire.
on turn 5 I got into 5-6 houses and manages to destroy one of the stugs by flanking it, and the other one broke the main armament.
My tank also suffered terrible 3 MA break but with no stug functioning left and his desperate attempt to destroy one of my tanks failed my opponent conceded.
It is a fun scenario for the Russian, but a static defence for the Rumanian.
Balkan-Kessel Danno
Balkan-KesselWay tough on the Partisans. My Germans held the line and broke up all the assaults and lost only one of the victory buildings before the Partisans had to concede. Partisan balance should be used. grumblejones
Stuka Wave - The Second DayThe Stukas mostly failed to deliver their payloads on target, although the massive number of attacks, especially point attacks, caused me no end of worry. We played it where neither side was allowed to move or shoot. Three of the 10 Stukas performed mistaken attacks. Ultimately, even with the CVP requirements halved, the Germans just couldnt get the kills they needed. Jobbo_Fett
Hell's Bells - The Third DayThe Poles conceded to cut down on the movement the Germans could still make. A decidedly harsh day for anyone coming under fire from mortars or heavy machine guns, with critical hits affecting both sides. The Germans have been holding back in order to gather their troops on the hill south of the old barracks. As well as having to defend from marines landing in the west, the Poles have an extended line that is only being pressured harder and harder. Special shout out to the 3 boxcars rolled on rallies, and 25+ sniper checks and never rolling a 1. Jobbo_Fett
Smashing the HookThis one saw the Brits haul butt, pay along the way, kill the 1st roadblock (set demo charge), and then run tight on time reaching the 2nd road block on the last turn. Action broke down to a lot of CC with the Brits winning all but a heavily wieght ambush CC vs. the concealed defender. Tight one down to the last die roll. Brits really need to move quick to have a chance. Boogaboo
20 Years Later Danno
20 Years LaterMy French went with two squads and both LMG's setup as a blocking force. The 7-0 and 8-0 each took 3 squads and made a run for it. Good use of bypass movement has my two escape stacks well on their way. The Germans suffered from terrible MC rolls with a squad KIA'd and another captured. On Turn 2, the German 8-1 would break and two more 4-4-7s's would break and ELR. At the end of two, the Germans conceded as the French were going to exit 14 points and the Germans has been broken in the center. grumblejones
Counterattack at Carentan Bongiovanni
Debacle At Sung KiangA very interesting scenario. The Japanese failed almost everything (banzai charge, smoke attempt and even CC) whereas the smart defense orchestrated by Laurent was very efficient. Therefore it ended well for the Chinese and very badly for the Japanese ! lechiquier94
Stonewalling the FührerLille 2024 Bongiovanni
Taking Some FlakLille 2024 Bongiovanni
Down by the RiverLille 2024 Bongiovanni
Corridor To ExtinctionLille 2024 Bongiovanni
Shanghai in FlamesChinese fire was deadly accurate while the Japanese troops advanced. By end of turn 2, six Japanese squads had been eliminated (!) while several others reduced to striped status. Blaze counters split the Japanese advance to both flanks, but they persisted - and by turn 5 were in place to begin fire on the factory. Meanwhile, the Chinese played a typical fall-back game, skulking to slow the Japanese as they drew back towards the factory. The Chinese lost all their MG's through malfunction or in CC, but they firmly defended the factory with multiple intact squads. By turn 7, the Japanese did not have enough troops left to storm the factory, let alone take control. Good scenario - the spreading blaze counters make things unpredictable. George T
Order 831Interesting and enjoyable scenario. As the Russians, I concentrated my attack on the southern flank, and as expected the Germans executed a controlled fighting withdrawal - though they were unlucky to lose a couple of squads in the process. I captured the required buildings without too much trouble, but the bridge was a tougher proposition. On the final turn, I smoked the victory hexes as much as I could, then risked a couple of AFVs (successfully) to overrun key defensive positions; I then had a fanatic squad that was able to withstand the remaining German firepower to take the bridge hexes. So I probably had the better of the luck in what I rate as a well-balanced scenario. Andy_Bagley
Raid on MoerdijkAt first, the Germans inflicted major casualties to the Frenchs by destroying all 5 AMD-35. The german panzer reinforcements were delayed and the Allied began to cause damage to the german infantry. The Germans still held the bridge with a furious resistance to the last man. At last, the German panzer appeared and secured the bridge but very accurate shots from MGs and H35 were able to destroy the last German resistance and open the way to the other side of the bridge. The Allied secured victory on the last turn. lt_steiner
Funnel of DeathVASL jrwusmc
Commander for a Day Danno
Commander for a DayHard fought game that came down to the final close combat with the North Koreans prevailing. grumblejones
Stop, Turn, FightBoth of the reinforcement groups that must be rolled for rolled exceptionally well and everyone came piling in on turn 1. The Polish attempted to force their way to the area where German vehicles would arrive but came up short. German snipers were active everywhere, and both sides suffered their fair share of broken vehicle weapons. Ultimately, the Germans managed to luck their way into more vehicle kills, which caused a ripple effect and led to them gaining numerical superiority - eventually pushing up to one of the required buildings and capturing the Polish units inside. A tough loss for the Poles. Jobbo_Fett
To the Last ShellThe Germans over-powering force went hard at the village and the majority of buildings. They took some tank casualties from the AT guns, but generally made good progress taking out enough Russian AFVs where they only needed to exit 3-4 tanks for the victory. This is a great bigger scenario. dmareske
Smashing the HookTough nut for the Brits to get into position quick enough to have a win chance. Fun scenario with the roadblocks doing what they are intended to do. Enjoyed this on. Brits gave after stalling at the 1st roadblock and a rather lucky snake eye result on an attacking stack. Boogaboo
Going PostalThe Germans didn't set aside enough troops to deal with the partisans and were hung up on that objective for a long time which divided their troops. This caused them not to be able to crush the Polish forces which were almost all held up in the post office, with most of the Polish decoys in the other buildings between the post office and the german start position which slowed the cautious german player's advance. He was also very unlucky that he rolled a 12 on his first flamer roll and his second flamer was broken before he could fire. Overall, if the german player had focused all his attention on the partisans, then the post office, then he might have been able to crush the Poles easier. allegedlycaleb
Tasimboko Raid
Taking Heads von Garvin
For an Army RoutedUnclear how the Germans could hold off an aggressive Canadian assault. Got behind Germans on T1 and destroyed them in T2. nebel
Power Struggle on ProvisorEven though the scenario is unbalanced, I had fun playing as the Japanese. My enjoyment was helped by the fact that my friend misinterpreted the American set up instructions and put all his forces in the beached boat board hexes and not some in the buildings to act as a fire base. I ripped up the 9-2 and four squads on turn one because he chose to opportunity fire them in the open ground on the shore.

Even so, the US firepower eventually took its toll, and my forces withered away. I almost made it, but lost the last squad necessary for a US win in the American turn 8 CCPh. Despite the fact that my entire force was pretty much wiped out, I inflicted enough pain on the Americans to make it fun.

I would only recommend this scenario as a river crossing training scenario with the new player as the Americans. Had my friend not messed up his set up, I doubt I would have been able to make such a close game of it.
One Story TownASL Ring 2024.
Great scenario.
Played for 8 hours before I conceded.
Russian Flame Thrower never ran out of fire, which did not help my Russians. Also my best leader got killed by a sniper in the 4th victory building as the Finns were approaching,
Taking Some FlakASL ring 2024.
Great set up and great play by Philippe.
Released from the EastHonour to an heroic german MMC, barely invincible (or only very lucky). Reduced after two melee rounds against a russian MMC, then survived two more melee rounds against 3 russian MMC, fallen on the last turn melee. Amerigus Crux
Hungarian HetzersMay 2024 KC ASL Club game day. Danno
The Liberation of Tulle GOUREAU
Breda BashThe French formed quite a defense line and the German attacked in a spearhead manner. However, the French 25mm guns from AT guns and AMD alike contribute to the crushing of the German attack. The French rolled low and the Germans malfed various time. A massive defeat for the Germans with 77 CVP suffered to barely 25 CVP inflicted. lt_steiner
Soldiers of Destruction Danno
Soldiers of DestructionI've played this one often over the years and even its first iteration as a Cross of Iron scenario from one of the Generals. Word to the wise...dont play this one expecting a competitive game. It's not. It's all about the German dice. If they roll poorly, you might...I stress might manage to exit enough stuff to win...but with a 9-2 interdicting the ground and the 2 x 88LL's covering every ain't going to make it. It's an unbalanced dog of a scenario. The ROAR Stats make that abundantly clear, But it's a great scenario to let a new player learn the game as the Germans and shoot the hell out of the Russians. So there's that. Otherwise...this scenario is generally a hard pass. grumblejones
Pipkorn's Attemptgood scenario - multiple attacker and defender options. Germans have to pick their way through plowed fields with little cover. but once they are in the buildings it's an even match. very nice mix of units and chances to use them all. nebel
Half a ChanceA grind. The British did not have the dice in their favor and the Italians were rolling out of their minds. badger317
Stonewalling the FührerASL ring 2024.
Nice little scenario.
Horrible rolls made my few americans break easily. And I got victim of a hyperactive sniper. In spite of SAN2, it got triggered 3 times on my 3 DR2 rolls (1,2 and 1). It broke the squad that was holding my left side and caused the recall of an AFV.
For A Few Rounds MoreASL ring 2024
A balanced game. These sturmtigers are scary, at least until they have fired.
I made two mistakes. The first one cost me two squad and my best leader. The second one was a missed LOS that caused 3 squads moving in the woods to turn into just one broken HS thanks to 3 consecutive ROFs and not a single successful MC.
I took 2 of the 3 victory buildings but my forces were not strong enough in the final cc in the last victory building.
On the WaterfrontA confusing "night but without most night rules" scenario where the Germans took advantage of their numbers and dug in wherever they could. What little fighting that did occur went entirely the way of the Germans, much to my dismay. I do not look forward to the approaching Stukas... Jobbo_Fett
The Winter CitySlovaks attacked on the West side, breaking some of the Polish defenders with machinegun fire in the first few turns. Many Slovaks broke while trying to cross, but more were able to hug the west edge of the map, eventually appearing behind the Polish positions. On the east side, the Slokaks set up in the woods and waited for the West side attack to develop. By turn 5, the Slovaks completely overwhelmed the West hill, and pushed onto the East hill with the two groups. The Poles had revealed too many of their units and the Slovaks were able to bat aside most of the decoys, which made the East hill look a lot more defended than it really was. It came down to the last turn, but the Slovaks were able to end the game with 13 building and area VC and all Poles either broken or in cc. allegedlycaleb
DASL Series #3: Special Delivery Danno
DASL Series #3: Special DeliveryOne word...Molotovs... grumblejones
Death Boxslaughtered. too much axis firepower no room to hide nebel
Red Hot Hannibaldown to last turn too much american firepower to stop. nebel
For an Army Routed Bongiovanni
Burn Gurkha Burn!An excellent game that came down to a close combat on the last turn which the Japanese won.
Martin defended hills 507 and 502 in depth whilst lightly defending hill 526. As the Japanese closed in he fell back towards 502. By the end of the game he had lost a significant amount of his strength whilst the Japanese were able to mass their fire power just around the level two hexs of 502.
Nothing was settled until the last close combat which the Japanese won to take the game.

The game was a blast and it became very tense during the last couple of turns.
Clearing with a BayonetAn interesting scenario with a wild ending.

I would agree that this can be tough on the
CPVA, but they are tough to dislodge. It's
perhaps typical of a scenario with so few
defenders that, once the shell cracks, the
roof can cave in.

That didn't happen when we played: the
shell stayed mostly in tact, but the British
weight was too much for the CPVA to bear.

We misplayed a few CPVA rules, but none of
the mistakes were fatal, imho.

With one turn to go, I thought my Brits were in
dire straits. Fortunately, Rob's defenses were
strained and I managed to maneuver and force
him into some tough FPF shots. He botched two
crucial ones: both MC failures including a 12.

I ended with the minimum 12 hexes for a very
close win.

BTW, I forgot to even try a bayonet charge with
the Brits.

I think the Chinese need a bit of help. The balance
(a crew with an MMG) might be a bit too much.

Great fun...highly recommended.

Indy Lagu
Dutch Courage Heloanjin
Panzerpioniere!Lost on the CVP cap. Enjoyable scenario for both sides. Gamer72
Strayer's Strays igycrctl
Shoot-N-ScootGreat scenario if, as the American defender, you can consistently roll "5" or less on your APCR checks, otherwise it's going to be very challenging.

Jason attacked across both boards. In the south, he ran into my infantry and AT mine ambushes, where, over a few turns, I knocked out all of his halftracks. In the center and north of the map, where Jason made his armor attack, my M10s got exactly one APCR round off, destroying a JgPz, while my hidden ATG got a flank shot on a Panther, knocking it out as well. This made the exit victory condition impossible, so Jason had to take the village.

The effective strategy for me was to use my OBA to destroy his infantry as they moved across the open area and woods to get to the village. By the beginning of Turn 6 I had eliminated over half his infantry (thanks to my artillerymen and effective small arms fire), at which point Jason believed he no longer had sufficient infantry to take and hold the victory buildings, so he conceded.

Even so, Americans suffered substantial losses, losing all of the M10s and the M8. The Shermans stayed alive only by moving around alot ('scooting') and a suicidal sacrifice play by the reinforcing halftrack. I thought it important to keep them alive to retain the threat of eliminating another Panther.

This scenario easily could have gone either way, as at that time he conceded, Jason had plenty of tanks remaining to shoot up and eliminate my infantry in buildings due to failure to rout. Timely and (mostly) accurate artillery fire was essential in scoring this as a 'win'.

Bridge Over the River QueenThis was a flukey one - on the north front, the Russian attack was hammered, and the commissar finished the job by killing 2 squads worth of brokies. On the south, however, the Russians withstood the fire and smashed the German infantry. At this point fate intervened with flames spreading into the cars on the railroad bridge, breaking the Germans trying to reinforce the failing side and closing the bridge for the rest of the game. The Germans conceded at this point. aiabx
All The King's EnemiesAussies couldn’t pass a MC, opponent conceded. Not one of the great scenarios we thought, if Japanese can hold onto their Concealment, then it becomes very tough to wrinkle them out. Gamer72
Brush at TilburgBoth French and German split their force to get to the two bridges over the flooded stream. French with additional AMRs moved first waiting for the Panzers on the other side of the bridges. The Panzers crossed the northern stream but were eventually quite all destroyed by the AMD 35s or recalled by a sniper shot. On the southern bridge, the Panzers were more lucky and destroyed the AMRs. Still, one panzer was burnt on CC by French infantry. Two Panzers managed to exit but not enough to win. The Germans suffered 34 CVP and inflicted 26 CVP. A major French victory. lt_steiner
An Arm and a LegFirst to play and post.
An Arm and a Leg grumblejones

Most played scenarios

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