Fear Naught ETO (id:#62248)
Saint Omer, France
1940-05-23 (26 others)
92: Stand Fast the Guards (ASL 5a - For King and Country)
A 15: Stand Fast the Guards (AH:ASL Annual `90)
J43: 3rd RTR in the Rain (ASL Journal # 3)
NEWS17: Long Minutes (ASL News # 10)
ATP07: Long Minutes (At the Point # 6)
CH 91: Long Minutes (Critical Hit # 5.1)
PB-CH (D): Keller's Heroes (Critical Hit # 5.2)
CH128: A Few Rare Men (Critical Hit # 6.2)
CH129: St. Homme Skirmish (Critical Hit # 6.2)
CH130: No Quarter at Queniau (Critical Hit # 6.2)
CH132: Defense of Orphanage Farm (Critical Hit # 6.2)
RP3-2: Flamed in France (Rout Pak III)
O117.4: The Belgian Collapse (On All Fronts #117)
SP77: Green Jackets' Bridge (Schwerpunkt # 7)
TAC34: Thulin Doit Etre Pris! (Tactiques # 4)
DB020: West Front Series #1: 3rd RTR in the Rain (Dispatches from the Bunker #10)
VV 6: La Mort du Dragon (Vae Victis # 11)
Stonne 16: The Final Wave (Stonne 1940 2nd Ed)
CH128: A Few Rare Men (A Few Rare Men)
CH129: St. Homme Skirmish (A Few Rare Men)
CH130: No Quarter at Queniau (A Few Rare Men)
CH132: Defense of Orphanage Farm (A Few Rare Men)
ESG107: Put Out the Searchlights (Dezign Pak 9)
JAVA08: Crossroads at Les Attaques (ASL For Fun-LCP)
FT INOR14: Cendriere’s Farm (The Green Hell of Inor)
ASLN17: Long Minutes (Critical Hit #8.1)
A 15: Stand Fast the Guards (AH:ASL Annual `90)
J43: 3rd RTR in the Rain (ASL Journal # 3)
NEWS17: Long Minutes (ASL News # 10)
ATP07: Long Minutes (At the Point # 6)
CH 91: Long Minutes (Critical Hit # 5.1)
PB-CH (D): Keller's Heroes (Critical Hit # 5.2)
CH128: A Few Rare Men (Critical Hit # 6.2)
CH129: St. Homme Skirmish (Critical Hit # 6.2)
CH130: No Quarter at Queniau (Critical Hit # 6.2)
CH132: Defense of Orphanage Farm (Critical Hit # 6.2)
RP3-2: Flamed in France (Rout Pak III)
O117.4: The Belgian Collapse (On All Fronts #117)
SP77: Green Jackets' Bridge (Schwerpunkt # 7)
TAC34: Thulin Doit Etre Pris! (Tactiques # 4)
DB020: West Front Series #1: 3rd RTR in the Rain (Dispatches from the Bunker #10)
VV 6: La Mort du Dragon (Vae Victis # 11)
Stonne 16: The Final Wave (Stonne 1940 2nd Ed)
CH128: A Few Rare Men (A Few Rare Men)
CH129: St. Homme Skirmish (A Few Rare Men)
CH130: No Quarter at Queniau (A Few Rare Men)
CH132: Defense of Orphanage Farm (A Few Rare Men)
ESG107: Put Out the Searchlights (Dezign Pak 9)
JAVA08: Crossroads at Les Attaques (ASL For Fun-LCP)
FT INOR14: Cendriere’s Farm (The Green Hell of Inor)
ASLN17: Long Minutes (Critical Hit #8.1)
Designer: Ian Willey
Starter kit scenario?: Deluxe scenario?:
With conflicting orders, Lt.-Colonel Keller ordered Captain Hugh O’Sullivan to take a mixed force of light and cruiser tanks and advance immediately to St. Omer to protect GHQ. As O’Sullivan crossed a hill, he saw below him a large mechanized force. Lorries with infantry and ATGs were working their way along the road whilst behind woods, German tanks could be seen. With the RTR motto “Fear Naught” to guide him, O’Sullivan sent his tanks into action.Attacker: German (Elements of 6th Panzer Division)
Defender: British (3rd RTR Squadron)
7 turns
Players: 2 OBA: None Night: NoUnit Counts: |
Squads: A:3.0 D:0.0 |
AFVs: A:5 PzKpfw IVD x 2 PzKpfw IIIF x 3 Opel Blitz x 3 |
AFVs: D:9 Mk VIC A13 Mk II x 3 A9 x 2 Mk VIB x 3 |
Guns: A:2 3.7cm PaK 35/36 x 2 D:0 |
Misc Rules: | Bocage. Recall is NA for MA repair attempts |
Map Board(s): |
Publication | Board |
Deluxe Advanced Squad Leader | e-dx |
Deluxe Pack #1 | D5 |
DASL 2 - Hedgerow Hell | e-dx |
Overlays: | NONE |
Errata (source)
The factors of the A13 MkII are wrong. The A13 MkII should have red 16 MP and armor factors of 3/2. | Publisher |
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Simonstan Added a playing | 2024-11-18 17:50:57 |
Turuk Removed a map | 2024-03-28 10:55:03 |
Turuk Modified the maps | 2024-03-28 10:54:45 |
hoxson1 Linked the scenario to ROAR | 2022-01-13 16:49:46 |
Gamer72 Added a playing | 2020-08-15 17:24:36 |
File | Description | User | Views |
(!germ-brit.png) | Image | hoxson1 | 1010 |
(FT204 germ AT roadsetup.png) | Image | hoxson1 | 1078 |
(ft204 map.png) | Map Image | hoxson1 | 1044 |
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