Seizing the Ridge PTO (id:#57375)
Kakazu Ridge, Okinawa
1945-04-11 (32 others)
BB14: Forth Bridge (Backblast # 2)
J15: Turning Off the Spigot (ASL Journal # 2)
J64: American Tragedy (ASL Journal # 3)
G37: Forth Bridge (AH:The General # 31.3)
OBS5: The Japs Counter-Attack! (Ordeal Before Shuri)
PBP 9: Last Roundup (Paddington Bears '96 Pack)
TEF1-2: The Last Waltz (Total Eastern Front Pack I)
TEF1-3: Panzers in the Park (Total Eastern Front Pack I)
TOT 19: Liebe Elfriede (Time on Target # 2)
TOT 20: Threat to the Bridgehead (Time on Target # 2)
TOT 21: Tony - Take the Bridge - Out! (Time on Target # 2)
TOT 22: Rock of Resistance (Time on Target # 2)
TOT 23: This Close to the Sharp End (Time on Target # 2)
TOT 43: Jagdtiger, Jagdtiger (Time on Target # 3)
FT 13: Cabanes Vieilles (Franc-Tireur # 5)
FT 14: Les Mille Fourches (Franc-Tireur # 5)
: Monster Mash (ConTrary `89)
FT108: The Damned Die Hard (From The Cellar Pack # 3)
FT169: Daring Parafroggers (From The Cellar Pack # 6)
RPT130: Stumbling Through the Steigerwald (Rally Point #13)
S16-9: Erfurt Mop-Up (Sweet 16 4-Pack 3)
T-TERROR #2: A Park in Vienna (Teutonic Terror 1)
#8: Welch Return (Across the Aller)
#9: Left Flank Failure (Across the Aller)
#10: Loss of the Seekapitan (Across the Aller)
#11: 'Hatton'...Then Steel (Across the Aller 2)
#12: Rethem Requiem (Across the Aller 2)
#2: The Last Waltz (Ostfront Pak 1)
#3: Panzers In The Park (Ostfront Pak 1)
SP288: Commanding From the Bridge (Schwerpunkt #24)
FT13: Cabanes Vieilles (From The Cellar #13)
FT14: Les Mille Fourches (From The Cellar #13)
J15: Turning Off the Spigot (ASL Journal # 2)
J64: American Tragedy (ASL Journal # 3)
G37: Forth Bridge (AH:The General # 31.3)
OBS5: The Japs Counter-Attack! (Ordeal Before Shuri)
PBP 9: Last Roundup (Paddington Bears '96 Pack)
TEF1-2: The Last Waltz (Total Eastern Front Pack I)
TEF1-3: Panzers in the Park (Total Eastern Front Pack I)
TOT 19: Liebe Elfriede (Time on Target # 2)
TOT 20: Threat to the Bridgehead (Time on Target # 2)
TOT 21: Tony - Take the Bridge - Out! (Time on Target # 2)
TOT 22: Rock of Resistance (Time on Target # 2)
TOT 23: This Close to the Sharp End (Time on Target # 2)
TOT 43: Jagdtiger, Jagdtiger (Time on Target # 3)
FT 13: Cabanes Vieilles (Franc-Tireur # 5)
FT 14: Les Mille Fourches (Franc-Tireur # 5)
: Monster Mash (ConTrary `89)
FT108: The Damned Die Hard (From The Cellar Pack # 3)
FT169: Daring Parafroggers (From The Cellar Pack # 6)
RPT130: Stumbling Through the Steigerwald (Rally Point #13)
S16-9: Erfurt Mop-Up (Sweet 16 4-Pack 3)
T-TERROR #2: A Park in Vienna (Teutonic Terror 1)
#8: Welch Return (Across the Aller)
#9: Left Flank Failure (Across the Aller)
#10: Loss of the Seekapitan (Across the Aller)
#11: 'Hatton'...Then Steel (Across the Aller 2)
#12: Rethem Requiem (Across the Aller 2)
#2: The Last Waltz (Ostfront Pak 1)
#3: Panzers In The Park (Ostfront Pak 1)
SP288: Commanding From the Bridge (Schwerpunkt #24)
FT13: Cabanes Vieilles (From The Cellar #13)
FT14: Les Mille Fourches (From The Cellar #13)
Designer: Dave Dally
Starter kit scenario?: Deluxe scenario?:
No balance information available
Under regimental orders to seize Kakazu Ridge, the 1st Battalion, 381st Infantry attacked across the saddle at 0700 on 11 April. The troops inched up the western slope of the ridge but then came under severe flat trajactory gunfire from the area south of Kakazu and under high-angle mortar fire from the reverse slope of Kakazu Ridge. The Japanese also threw demo charges at them from the crest. Although the attacking troops were supported by fire from the top of Kakazu West, they finally were forced to dig in short of the crest. Here the enemy made two sharp counterattacks, which were stopped mainly by one man, T/Sgt. Alfred Robertson. With a BAR rifle, bayonet and trench knife, Robertson killed about 28 of the enemy, and in addition, directed mortar fire when his radio operator was critically wounded.Attacker: American (Elements of the 1st Battalion, 381st Infantry Regiment, 96th Infantry Division)
Defender: Japanese (Elements of the 63rd Infantry Brigade, 62nd Infantry Division)
8 turns
Players: 2 OBA: None Night: NoUnit Counts: |
Squads: A:18.0 D:14.0 |
AFVs: A:0 |
AFVs: D:0 |
Guns: A:0 M18 57mm Recoilless Rifle D:1 Year-41 Type Mountain Gun |
Misc Rules: | Mud w D: Caves6 |
Map Board(s): |
Publication | Board |
Ordeal Before Shuri | CH: KR |
Overlays: | NONE |
Errata (source)
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Scenario info
Action | Date |
hoxson1 Modified the Unit Elements | 2020-01-31 18:15:51 |
hoxson1 Uploaded an Image | 2020-01-31 15:13:30 |
hoxson1 Modified the overview | 2020-01-31 14:37:54 |
hoxson1 Uploaded the Board image | 2020-01-31 14:32:49 |
hoxson1 Modified the Defender's Guns | 2020-01-31 14:29:47 |
File | Description | User | Views |
(!usa-jap.png) | Image | hoxson1 | 810 |
(kakazu aerial features.png) | Image | hoxson1 | 883 |
(seize ridge map.png) | Map Image | hoxson1 | 758 |
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