Push to Pilastrino DTO (id:#58567)
Prior Publication: ConTrary `91
Tobruk, Libya
1941-01-21 (9 others)
CH124: The Fall of Tobruk (Operation Compass & Wavell)
CH125: Down the Throat (Operation Compass & Wavell)
SP32: Over Open Sights (Schwerpunkt # 3)
AK 72: The Tobruk Perimeter (Afrikakorps - AK009 Reluctant Offensive)
AK 83: On to Solaro and Pilastrino (Afrikakorps - AK010 Along the Via Balbia)
VV 75: Les Taxis de Tobrouk (Vae Victis # 100)
: White Horses (View From the Trenches - Brit Pack)
#5: Keru Gorge (Gallabat: The War in East Africa 1940)
DB189: Push to Pilastrino (Dispatches from the Bunker #58)
CH125: Down the Throat (Operation Compass & Wavell)
SP32: Over Open Sights (Schwerpunkt # 3)
AK 72: The Tobruk Perimeter (Afrikakorps - AK009 Reluctant Offensive)
AK 83: On to Solaro and Pilastrino (Afrikakorps - AK010 Along the Via Balbia)
VV 75: Les Taxis de Tobrouk (Vae Victis # 100)
: White Horses (View From the Trenches - Brit Pack)
#5: Keru Gorge (Gallabat: The War in East Africa 1940)
DB189: Push to Pilastrino (Dispatches from the Bunker #58)
Designer: Tom Morin
Starter kit scenario?: Deluxe scenario?:
The 6th Australian Division had commenced its attack on the 30,000 odd man Tobruk garrison at 0540 hours. Preceded by a bombardment, the 16th Brigade forced a gap through the fortified outer perimeter through which the 19th Brigade moved to exploit towards the Bardia/El Adem road junction, which it did in spite of running into well-emplaced machine guns and dug-in tanks. It was now midday and the Brigade sent three of its battalions northeast towards Solaro and Ft. Pilastrino, hoping to find and destroy the Italian headquarters. The 2/8 proceeded along the escarpment and suffered heavy losses from more dug-in tanks which it had to assault with grenades and anti-tank rifles, after which it blundered headlong into the Italian counterattack.Attacker: Italian (Elements of the 31st and 32nd Reggimento "Guardia a Frontieri")
Defender: Australian (Elements of C and HQ Companies, 2/8 Battalion and of the 6th Divisional Cavalry; Elements of the 3rd Royal Horse Artillery and of the 7th RTR)
6.5 turns
Players: 2 OBA: None Night: NoUnit Counts: |
Squads: A:15.0 D:7.5 |
AFVs: A:6 M13/40 x 6 |
AFVs: D:4 Matilda II Carrier A x 2 Carrier 2" MTR 2pdr Portee 15-cwt Truck |
Guns: A:0 Mortaio da 45 Brixia x 2 D:1 Cannone-cc da 37/45 OML 2-in. Mortar Boys ATR x 2 |
Misc Rules: | Broken Terrain (F13.1), Buildings are Crags. no Level 4 wadi cliffs |
Map Board(s): |
Publication | Board |
ASL 7a - Hollow Legions (3rd Edition) | 25 |
ASL 5 - West of Alamein | 25 |
Overlays: | E1 | X4 | X5 |
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Action | Date |
Hutch Modified the gps location | 2024-09-30 19:12:27 |
Hutch Modified the misc. rules | 2024-08-13 16:43:14 |
Hutch Modified the Defender's Guns | 2024-08-13 16:41:59 |
Hutch Modified the unit counts | 2024-08-13 16:41:34 |
Hutch Modified the Defender's Guns | 2024-08-13 16:41:34 |
File | Description | User | Views |
(ital-aussie.png) | Image | hoxson1 | 927 |
(piltsrino_map.png) | Map Image | hoxson1 | 837 |
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