Alaric's Return MTO (id:#59113)
Monterosi, Italy
1943-09-09 (24 others)
52: Too Little, Too Late (ASL 7 - Hollow Legions (2nd Edition))
A 04: Beyond the Blue Beach (AH:ASL Annual `89)
LSSAH28: Last Drop of Blood (Leibstandarte Pack 4 - Turning of the Tide!)
VV13: Les Chemins de Rome (Vae Victis # 18)
Round 1: Operation Achse (ANZACon 1999)
HP30: Bloody Bari (Hero PAX 4: Mediterranean Theater of Operations)
AP27: All Roads Lead to Rome (ASL Action Pack # 3 Few Returned)
AP28: The Hunters Become the Hunted (ASL Action Pack # 3 Few Returned)
BC11: Gunter Strikes Back (Armoured Aussie Pack)
TAP #21: Last Message Home (Total Axis Pack II: A World Aflame)
TAP #22: Last Outpost (Total Axis Pack II: A World Aflame)
OA19: The Queen's Prequel (Out of the Attic #2)
OA20: The Revenge of the Greys (Out of the Attic #2)
OA21: Gunter Strikes Back (Out of the Attic #2)
VV96: Z-Day (Vae Victis # 122)
Mini 1A: The Queen's Prequel (CanCon 2006)
Mini 1B: The Revenge of the Greys (CanCon 2006)
Mini 1C: Gunter Strikes Back (CanCon 2006)
FT245: Ciao Cina! (Franc-Tireur #14)
FT246: Gladium Pro Patria e Rege (Franc-Tireur #14)
52: Too Little, Too Late (ASL 7a - Hollow Legions (3rd Edition))
288: All Roads Lead to Rome (ASL 7a - Hollow Legions (3rd Edition))
289: The Hunters Become the Hunted (ASL 7a - Hollow Legions (3rd Edition))
52: Too Little, Too Late (ASL 7 - Hollow Legions (1st Edition))
A 04: Beyond the Blue Beach (AH:ASL Annual `89)
LSSAH28: Last Drop of Blood (Leibstandarte Pack 4 - Turning of the Tide!)
VV13: Les Chemins de Rome (Vae Victis # 18)
Round 1: Operation Achse (ANZACon 1999)
HP30: Bloody Bari (Hero PAX 4: Mediterranean Theater of Operations)
AP27: All Roads Lead to Rome (ASL Action Pack # 3 Few Returned)
AP28: The Hunters Become the Hunted (ASL Action Pack # 3 Few Returned)
BC11: Gunter Strikes Back (Armoured Aussie Pack)
TAP #21: Last Message Home (Total Axis Pack II: A World Aflame)
TAP #22: Last Outpost (Total Axis Pack II: A World Aflame)
OA19: The Queen's Prequel (Out of the Attic #2)
OA20: The Revenge of the Greys (Out of the Attic #2)
OA21: Gunter Strikes Back (Out of the Attic #2)
VV96: Z-Day (Vae Victis # 122)
Mini 1A: The Queen's Prequel (CanCon 2006)
Mini 1B: The Revenge of the Greys (CanCon 2006)
Mini 1C: Gunter Strikes Back (CanCon 2006)
FT245: Ciao Cina! (Franc-Tireur #14)
FT246: Gladium Pro Patria e Rege (Franc-Tireur #14)
52: Too Little, Too Late (ASL 7a - Hollow Legions (3rd Edition))
288: All Roads Lead to Rome (ASL 7a - Hollow Legions (3rd Edition))
289: The Hunters Become the Hunted (ASL 7a - Hollow Legions (3rd Edition))
52: Too Little, Too Late (ASL 7 - Hollow Legions (1st Edition))
Designer: Joe Moro
Starter kit scenario?: Deluxe scenario?:
Upon learning of Italy's surrender, Hitler immediately implemented Operation Alaric: the disarming of Italian troops and the occupation of Italy. The 3rd PanzerGranadier Division, located north of Rome, was ordered to quickly occupy Rome and neutralize any Italian resistance. A Kampfgruppe was quickly dispatched south along the old Cassius road to Rome. At Monterosi, the Germans come upon a platoon of sappers under Sottotenente Rossi of the Ariete Division, hastily mining a roadblock a few hundreds meters ahead of an Italian fortified position. The Germans gave Rossi 15 minutes to dismantle the roadblock. After ordering his men back to the safety of the main Italian positions (except for four volunteers who remained behind with him), Rossi set explosives charges. As the Germans moved forward under the cover of tank and machine gun fire, Rossi lit the fuses attached to mines and explosives set inside two trucks blocking the road. The explosion killed Rossi and the four volunteers, destroying vehicles and killing a number of German troops and stunning the rest of the column. After this unexpected Italian action, unlike the behavior of most Italian troops they had encountered until that point, the panzergranadiers retreated to reorganize. When two hours later the panzergranadiers recommenced their advance, the Italian main position at Monterosi was ready to receive them.Attacker: German (Elements of Kampfgruppe Kraser, PzGr DIV. 3)
Defender: Italian (Elements of 135th Divisione Corazzata "Ariete II")
6.5 turns
Players: 2 OBA: None Night: NoUnit Counts: |
Squads: A:9.0 D:12.0 |
AFVs: A:8 StuG IIIG x 3 SPW 251/1 x 3 SPW 251/10 PSW 222(L) |
AFVs: D:4 Semovente M42 da 75/32 x 2 M15/42 AB 41 |
Guns: A:0 D:2 Obice da 149/13 x 2 |
Misc Rules: | Valley Bd 41 d/n exist. Use ART 149/13 counters to represent 149/19s. |
Map Board(s): |
Publication | Board |
ASL 3a - Yanks (2nd Edition) | 16 |
ASL 3a - Yanks (2nd Edition) | 41 |
ASL 3 - Yanks | 16 |
ASL 10 - Croix de Guerre | 41 |
Overlays: | Hi4 | Hi5 |
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Action | Date |
hoxson1 Linked the scenario to ROAR | 2022-10-19 19:14:46 |
Hutch Modified the Attacker's AFVs | 2020-11-08 15:31:26 |
Hutch Modified the unit counts | 2020-11-08 15:31:26 |
hoxson1 Uploaded an Image | 2020-01-10 20:16:21 |
hoxson1 Uploaded the Board image | 2018-09-10 17:50:59 |
File | Description | User | Views |
(germ-italallied.png) | Image | hoxson1 | 850 |
(alaric new.png) | Map Image | hoxson1 | 942 |
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