SS-Panzer-Division 10 "Frundsberg" had deployed across the Rhine to take on the American forces defending Haguenau and Strasbourg in Alsace. This was the final act of Operation NORDWIND, the German offensive now in its third week. The American 12th Armored Division had previously failed to slow down the Germans and was now pushed onto the defensive, a task to which it was ill-suited. Quickly, other American units were pushed into the area, including the 36th Infantry Division. Better equipped for defensive warfare, this experienced unit took up positions to the south of Haguenau, occupying woods near the village of Kurtzenhouse, terrain suited to the infantrymen. To dislodge these Americans, the Germans employed panzergrenadiers supported by a handful of panzers. The SS panzergrenadiers were keen, but their veteran ranks were diluted by numerous recruits. The initial assault occurred in the early hours against elements of 2nd Battalion, 143rd Infantry Regiment, led by Battalion Executive Officer, Lt. Colonel Marion Bowden.
Attacker: German (SS) (Bataillon III, SS-Panzergrenadier-Regiment 22, SS-Panzer-Division 10 "Frundsberg")
Defender: American (2nd Battalion, 143rd Infantry Regiment, 36th Infantry Division)
Tim pushed in with the infantry and kept the AFV out of reach to deny the victory points.
My grunts managed to hold off the extra victory points each time and fall back to the next line.
We came down to the Germans needing to take the last 2 victory hexes but also having to commit the tanks to do so.
I managed to get a baz hit on one of the MkIV killing it and denying the German win in the last turn.
(A) Eric Partizan Eric
Adrian Carter
German (SS) win
(A) g db
American win
(A) Andy Bagley
Matt Ellis
German (SS) win
Didn't play this one very well. My setup was too dispersed and concentrated too much on the southern road, which my opponent ignored, Instead he swarmed the eastern approaches and was able to isolate a number of my units where i had insufficient to stop the advance. Conceded on turn 5.
(D) Johan Vrijdaghs
Guerra Guido
American win
(A) Michael Rodgers
Fleming Christiansen
American win
I bid G3 to Fleming’s A0. The VC for this scenario are clever in my opinion. The Germans can try to avoid any AFV losses and just take the five victory locations to have 10 points. If the Germans lose an AFV, however, they need to take one of the VC locations early to have a bonus point to offset the AFV loss. Before I had even taken the first VC location, the OT AFV was recalled. IIRC, it was stunned twice; once by fire and a second time by the sniper. I kept trying for awhile to get VC hexes by the bonus schedule, but I kept coming up one turn short. I conceded near the end of the round.
(A) Asad Rustum
Oddgeir Drevdal
American win
(A) fabio aliprandi
Mario Aceto
American win
(D) Jeff B
Steve Etzelmueller
American win
Other than a few goal line defenders in the rear to protect the western VC hexes, I played a strong upfront defense. My worry about surviving some potentially heavy shooting went for nought as, other than laying some smoke, the Germans opted to move. I could tell most German units were on the board, and that was a relief, as I feel the Germans really need to bring a sizeable reinforcing force in on Turns 2 and 3 (including one or two vehicles). As it was I had a BAZ squad protecting the north from a potential end around. All the Amis need to do is buy for time, because if the Germans get behind schedule I don't think there's much chance they can recover. And that's exactly what happened. Unable to take R8 by the end of Turn 3, the Amis then simply have to block the way with bodies, break and retreat when any German gets next to them, and recycle to the front and do it all over again. Ho hum. In all fairness the SS had terrible luck with their MCs all game long, but point blank Ami firepower in woods will be tough to deal with regardless. Perhaps the Germans needed a few Seminoles. This one is just not my cup of tea.
(A) C. Scott Kippen
Chuck Anderson
German (SS) win
(A) Eric Partizan Eric
Juan Santacruz
German (SS) win
(D) Andy Beaton
S. Slunt
German (SS) win
Got a tank with a bazooka and induced the halftrack to wreck its own gun, but my forces on the flank were too weak and I couldn't pull back the reserve from the main assault to help. A couple of hotter rolls might have flipped this one, it was that close.
(A) S. Slunt
Andy Beaton
German (SS) win
The Americans had an up front defense with a smattering of units alone the tree line at the top to defend against any reinforcements. I had 8-1, 548 LMG for turn 2 and 2 658 and a PZ for turn 3. My attack through the woods was on time as I captured the VC need to get the extra VC. My turn 2 moved to hold his units in the tree line. My turn 3 ran to the far VCs. using Armored assault. The VC in M8 changed hands a couple of time with the American conceding when they were unable to take my unit on it CC on the American turn 5 CC. Phase. I needed all the points as I lost 2 AFV and ended the game with 11VP
(A) Eric Partizan Eric
German (SS) win
(A) Richard Jenulis
Jim Rudek
American win
West Coast Rumble 2023 (round 1). The Americans defended upfront. The Germans made good progress. I made a mistake and repaired a MA. Of course I rolled a 6 and recalled the vehicle. That put me in a hole. I was able to maneuver for a 3-1 H-tH CC. I rolled a 12 on the roll. Heartbreaker.
(A) Andy Goldin
John Stadick
American win
John chose to defend forward, while I chose to use the option to divide my forces and use both reinforcement groups to enter on the flanks. My gameplan was to advance along the trail through the woods while flanking his defenses, thereby compelling him to give ground and consolidate on the far end of the board.
Even with the flanking forces, fighting through the woods was slow and costly, as my elite SS men failed some key NMCs or got KIA'd moving adjacent to concealed MMGs. Meanwhile John scored two lucky shots on my AFVs by rolling 'snake eyes' on his TH or TK, leaving them flaming wrecks. His mortar also got a lucky hit on my remaining Mk4, immobilizing it, so by Turn 3 my VP total was -3.
I managed to capture a few of the victory hexes but not in time to score the bonus points. By the end of Turn 5 it was mathematically impossible to for me to score enough VP to win, especially in light of my losses, so I conceded.
In light of my experience I'd say this scenario is tough on the German. Attacking through the woods to score the bonus VP is probably a poor choice, as it is quicker to do an end-run around the woods and through the orchard to get the VP for E6 and H5, but you've still got to get the VP along the trail, too, so it's a tough call.
(A) Eric Partizan Eric
German (SS) win
(A) Indy Lagu
Rob Oler
American win
Not much to say about this one. I was the
evil Germans and didn't come close. This
was due to my poor play, Rob's typical
good play, and some accurate shooting
on the part of the US.
I lost 2 1/2 squads to KIA by the end of my
Turn 2. The outcome really wasn't in much
doubt after that.
We both thought it's a really good scenario.
There are a lot of options for the attacker, so
this one can play in many different ways.