Retro Pak II

Published by: Critical Hit. April 2010
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RETRO PAK II Another set of RETRO series scenarios awaits the ASLComp gamer in this pack -- filled with epic clashes between men and machines and men, and well, more machines! The Bulge, Normandy and Eastern Front are all represented. These scenarios are LOW on tedious SSRs and HIGH on tension and playability. Are you ready for a cross of iron? Is your raised ranch east or west of Alamein? We know you want to know and so do your fellow ASLers so strap on this set of scenarios and find out.
RETRO PAK II contains:

•8 action-packed scenarios

•1 color cover sheet

•1 informational back sheet

PLUS YOU RECEIVE 2 BONUS SCENARIOS FOR A TOTAL OF 10! Scenarios include some former ASLNews of Belgium and Rout titles, some never published by CH previously, and including new versions (some with new titles) of:

•Just Another Bridge

•Rolling Down Rollbahn D

•Victoria Cross

•The Broken Blade

•A Bush Across the Street

•Not to Lose Face

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RetroPak#10: Ostwind05 Honsfeld, BelgiumWTOGermanAmerican7.8 hrs60% American7%
RetroPak#12: Victoria Cross034 Parit Sulong, MalayaCBIAustralianJapanese4.7 hrs62% Japanese49%
RetroPak#13: Blade Force03 Chouigui, TunisiaDTOGermanAmerican/British9.8 hrs67% American/British4%
RetroPak#15: Not To Lose Face06 One mile north of Twingon, BurmaCBIChinese/BritishJapanese9.6 hrsBalanced9%
RetroPak#9: The Last Bridge00 Berlin, GermanyETORussianGerman (SS)7.9 hrsUnknown0%
RetroPak#11: Wusmatten Woods00 Near Elsenheim, FranceWTOFree FrenchGerman4.3 hrsUnknown0%
RetroPak#14: Ivan's Hide00 Djergljetz, RussiaETOGerman (SS)Russian2 hrsUnknown0%
RetroPak#16: East of Trois-Ponts00 East of Trois-Ponts, BelgiumWTOGerman (SS)American10.1 hrsUnknown0%
RetroPak#17: Prussian Panic019 9.50Allenstein, East PrussiaETORussianGerman8.2 hrsBalanced27%
RetroPak#18: Forward Defense00 Moron, Bataan, PhilippinesPTOAmerican / FilipinoJapanese8.2 hrs100% American / Filipino0%

 * Popularity is the sum of Roar and Archive reported playings based as a percentage of the parent publication's total games.

 (Dark) grey rows indicate Night scenarios.

Median length of scenarios: 8.05hrs

Average rating of scenarios: 9.5

Total playing time: 72.6hrs

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