ASL Journal #15

Published by: Multi-Man Publishing. December 2024
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ASL Journal 15 is a 36-page magazine for Advanced Squad Leader and features articles, the latest errata and scenario updates in the Debriefing, 11 new scenarios printed on cardstock, and three overlay sheets (to replace the versions with no center dots that came in DOOMED BATTALIONS 4th edition).

ASL Journal 15 articles include:
Pete Ponders Ponyri wherein Pete Shelling provides some Designer Notes on the upcoming HASL SLAUGHTER AT PONYRI.
My Bags Are Packed, I’m Ready To Go has Jim Bishop discussing what to take to an ASL tournament.
One Long Hillock Jim Bishop examines LOS and Embankment Railroads (EmRR) in HATTEN IN FLAMES.
Brian Plays In The Polder Scenario Analysis of AR2 Sheep in Wolf’s Clothing from the Arnhem 2024 Pack by Brian Youse.
De Haut En Bas (Up And Down) Jonathan Kay traces line of sight between different vertical levels.
Die Panzerwaffe im Angriff Inspired by Panzer Gegen Panzer, Jim Bishop crunches some numbers looking at tanks on the attack.
ASL Hall Of Fame Report by MMP about first six inductees.
Warriors Needed, in Haste! Andy Hershey discusses U.S. Marines in the first months of the Korean War.
Debriefing Errata for ASL rules and scenarios and the scenario updates for DOOMED BATTALIONS 4th Edition.

Map board(s):


Articles and Resources:

A View from the MoundCurt SchillingReview2-4
Pete Ponders PonyriPete ShellingAnalysis4-5
My Bags are Packed, I'm Ready to Go Jim BishopAnalysis6-7
One Long HillockJim BishopAnalysis8-10
Brian Plays in the PolderBrian YouseAnalysis11-13
DebriefingThe EditorsReference Material14
De Haut En Bas (Up and Down)Jonathan KayRules and Strategy15-23
Die Panzerwaffe im AngriffJim BishopAnalysis24-29
What\'s the Big Idea?Bruce BakkenAnalysis28
The ASL Hall of FameMMPReference Material29
Warriors Needed in Haste!Andrew H. HersheyReference Material30-35
Doomed Battalions 4th Edition Scenario UpdatesMMPReference Material14


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J247: Kicked to the Curb03 7.00Szack, PolandETOPolishRussian4 hrs80% Russian6%
J248: Danish Crossroads012 5.67Bredevad, DenmarkETOGermanDanish2.8 hrs60% German23%
J249: Guerra Relámpago01 5.00Along the Zarumilla River, between Peru and EcuadorAmericasPeruvianEcuadorian7.2 hrs100% Ecuadorian2%
J250: Priests at St. Cloud01 5.00St. Cloud, AlgeriaDTOAmericanVichy French4.7 hrs100% American2%
J251: Desperate Try01 5.00Saint-Lucien, AlgeriaDTOAmericanVichy French6 hrs100% Vichy French2%
J252: Hill 424010 4.83Altavilla, ItalyMTOGermanAmerican1.1 hrs63% German19%
J253: Melting Pot04 7.20Campoleone, ItalyMTOAllied (British/American)German4 hrs73% German8%
J254: Hoppers and Hardy02 5.50Vassieux, FranceWTOGermanAllied (FFI/American)4.5 hrs67% German4%
J255: Not Much of a Soldier05 5.33Le Rouloux Godard, FranceWTOAmericanGerman3.6 hrs83% American9%
J256: Mortal Wounding02 6.50Oberembt, GermanyWTOAmericanGerman2.4 hrs67% American4%
J257: In Min's Gang Rumble00 Changchon, South KoreaKWNorth KoreanAmerican (USMC)4.9 hrsUnknown0%

 * Popularity is the sum of Roar and Archive reported playings based as a percentage of the parent publication's total games.

 (Dark) grey rows indicate Night scenarios.

Median length of scenarios: 4hrs

Average rating of scenarios: 5.7

Total playing time: 45.2hrs

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