Ruweisat Ridge

Published by: Critical Hit. January 1998
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A Platoon Leader and ASL compatible module.

Ruweisat Ridge depicts the first battle of Alamein, July 1-15th 1942.

Ruweisat Ridge includes a 28"x30" historical game map, six scenarios, a campaign game, and unmounted counters.

Map board(s):

Board: CH: RuRi

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ALAMEIN1: Rommel is at the Gates00 Ruweisat Ridge, El Alamein, EgyptDTOGermanIndian15.1 hrsBalanced0%
ALAMEIN2: Drive to Fuka00 Ruweisat Ridge, El Alamein, EgyptDTONew ZealandItalian12.9 hrsUnknown0%
ALAMEIN3: Breaking Laager00 South of Ruweisat Ridge, El Alamein, EgyptDTOGermanNew Zealand9.8 hrsUnknown0%
ALAMEIN4: The Italian Turn00 Ruweisat Ridge, El Alamein, EgyptDTOItalianIndian13.4 hrsUnknown0%
ALAMEIN5: Rommel's Sunset00 Ruweisat Ridge, El Alamein, EgyptDTOGerman / ItalianNew Zealand10.5 hrs78% New Zealand0%
ALAMEIN6: Gunner Halm01 2.00Near Ruweisat Ridge, El Alamein, EgyptDTOBritishGerman / Italian7.1 hrs100% German / Italian4%
ALAMEIN CG 1: Ruweisat Ridge00 Ruweisat Ridge, El Alamein, EgyptDTOCommonwealthGerman / ItalianUnknown0%

 * Popularity is the sum of Roar and Archive reported playings based as a percentage of the parent publication's total games.

 (Dark) grey rows indicate Night scenarios.

Median length of scenarios: 11.7hrs

Average rating of scenarios: 2

Total playing time: 68.8hrs

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