Last Act in Lorraine WTO (id:#56252)
Singling, France
1944-12-06 (12 others)
J21: Scobie Preserves (ASL Journal # 2)
G02: Last Act in Lorraine (AH:The General # 23.6)
ASLUG 5: Shootout at Singling (ASLUG # 3)
RPII 7: In the Samurai Tradition (Rout Pak II)
X 6: In the Samurai Tradition (Rout Report # 2)
WG2.1: Swing on Singling (Wargamer # 2.01)
ATL 92.5: Shootout At Singling (ASL Digest # 3.02)
SG01: Abrams' Charge (Operations Special Issue #1)
SG02: Fitzgerald's Fire (Operations Special Issue #1)
SG CG I: A Pleasant Diversion (Operations Special Issue #1)
BFP-57: Last Drop (BFP 3: Blood and Jungle)
SP282: Then Came the Inferno (Schwerpunkt #24)
G02: Last Act in Lorraine (AH:The General # 23.6)
ASLUG 5: Shootout at Singling (ASLUG # 3)
RPII 7: In the Samurai Tradition (Rout Pak II)
X 6: In the Samurai Tradition (Rout Report # 2)
WG2.1: Swing on Singling (Wargamer # 2.01)
ATL 92.5: Shootout At Singling (ASL Digest # 3.02)
SG01: Abrams' Charge (Operations Special Issue #1)
SG02: Fitzgerald's Fire (Operations Special Issue #1)
SG CG I: A Pleasant Diversion (Operations Special Issue #1)
BFP-57: Last Drop (BFP 3: Blood and Jungle)
SP282: Then Came the Inferno (Schwerpunkt #24)
Designer: Unknown
Starter kit scenario?: Deluxe scenario?:
For nearly a month the U.S. 4th Armored Division had been fighting in difficult terrain to clear Lorraine. On December 6th in an attempt to take Bining and Rohrbach and reach the River Sarre and the German border, Lt. Colonel Creighton Abrams’ tank battalion was broken into two combat teams to facilitate its advance. Sweeping north, the lead task force came under heavy direct fire from the direction of Singling. Abrams decided on his own initiative to attack the town and attempt to hold it while the remainder of his force turned toward Bining. . .Attacker: American (Company B, 37th Tank Battalion, and 51st Armored Infantry Battalion)
Defender: German (Bataillon I, Panzergrenadier Regiment 111)
10 turns
Players: 2 OBA: Both Night: NoUnit Counts: |
Squads: A:8.0 D:10.0 |
AFVs: A:13 M4A3(105) M4A1(76)W x 6 M4A3(75)W x 6 |
AFVs: D:4 PzKpfw VG x 2 JgdPz IV x 2 |
Guns: A:0 D:4 7.5cm PaK 40 2cm FlaK 38 x 3 |
Misc Rules: | Treat Woods and Brush as Orchards. No level 2 bldg locations. Civilian Interrogation |
Map Board(s): |
Overlays: | NONE |
Errata (source)
There are, of course, 11 two-story buildings. Change the references to "seven" in the VC and American Balance Provision to "eleven". | MMP |
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Action | Date |
hoxson1 Linked the scenario to ROAR | 2024-10-29 17:52:42 |
Turuk Removed a map | 2024-03-26 19:11:58 |
Turuk Modified the maps | 2024-03-26 19:11:32 |
Hutch Updated the Scenario ID | 2023-03-05 20:34:59 |
Hutch Updated the Scenario ID | 2023-03-05 20:30:06 |
File | Description | User | Views |
(!usa-germ.png) | Image | hoxson1 | 996 |
(singling.png) | Image | hoxson1 | 1122 |
(last_act_dec_map.png) | Map Image | hoxson1 | 765 |
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