After unsuccessful uprising in the cities, the Red Army had established a home for itself in the rural province of Jiangxi. Mao Zedong and Zhu De combined their forces to create a Red Army to defend this new “Soviet” territory. The Nationalist KMT Army would make five attempts to surround and eradicate the Communists. The first four “Battles of Encirclement” saw KMT columns penetrate deep into the Soviet Territories where they could be surrounded and annihilated by the more mobile Red Army. The Red Army had no access to markets or factories, thus the defeat of the Nationalists provided them with a means to get supplies of arms and ammunition. Prisoners were also welcomed into their ranks.
Attacker: Red Army (Elements of Red Army)
Defender: KMT (Elements of KMT)
6 turns
Players: 2 OBA: None Night: No
Unit Counts:
Squads: A:10.0 D:14.0
AFVs: A:0
AFVs: D:0
Guns: A:0 D:0
Misc Rules:
Death-Dare is NA. A: may not enter Concealed, NQ or Massacre is NA for Red Army
An absolutely terrible scenario with no incentive to do anything once you gain a CVP advantage. The low morale will ruin your day if you roll anything but 5s or 6s. The low firepower and range really hurts the player in need of CVP, and I cannot stress how much this scenario is boiled down to whoever rolled a boxcars at the wrong time on an MMG shot or a MC. How anyone has ever won as KMT is a complete mystery to me, and is likely tall tales spoken in dark rooms for the purpose of gaining clout with the bartender.
(A) jon smith
Red Army win
Red army set up HIP defence in the central grain area... MG covering the centre road with 9-1 ldr and a squad ldr squad and other MG on right of grain... another squad covering road against the hedge and the lst hip squad was out on the left flank in the woods...
Red army stacked everything and used road movement to get the bait units into the defensive line... the KMT moved on a in a wider front mainly into the hedged grain fields... first red army shots at a squad on the road box cars and broke the MG.. returing KMT assault fire broke the squad in the middle and ther ed army fell back to the central woods... KMT created fire groups and eventually broken the last MG rushing a squad to claim it... last turn for the red army saw several squads run at the KMT with captured MG... KMT chose to vol break and the gun was retaken but not possessed....
KMT last turn saw a large fire group fail to break the key MG squad and a difficult charge by the last freee KMT squad was gunned down as he ran across the road...
Overall... a very cagey scenario, only 2cvp per side...with little incentive for the red army to stand, and a lots of HIP units it feels a hard one for the KMT unless the red army overcommits or shows the HIP units too early...
(A) Rich Weiley
Dave Wallace
Red Army win
My regular VASL opponent suggested this scenario from the Long March scenario pack published aeons ago by Heat of Battle. It was my turn to defend so I setup the Red Chinese ambush along the south side of the board 43 road. Most of my first turn force entered on the western board edge, a solitary squad entered in the middle to cover the road entry. Dave came on with most of force in the middle and smaller supporting elements on each flank. Things hotted up in turn 2 when he hit the ambush. I was in the boxseat from the start when Dave rolled boxcars on his first morale check and then I caught a leader and squad moving in the open. By the end of turn 2 I'd accrued 5 cvp and lost none. Turn 3 Dave re-positioned to renew the attack and I fell back to a position roughly along the Board seam. Turn 4 it was all over. I killed one conscript squad on a snakes in the movement phase and second conscript broke and disrupted in a position where it would have to surrender. At this stage I was up 9 cvp to zero and the prisoner would give me another 4 - Dave conceded. An interesting infantry only scenario -concluded in one session of barely 2 hours (with tea break).The luck definitely went my way, particularly when I was taking negative modifier shots, where I always seemed to roll low.
(D) Ian Morris
Martin Mayers
Red Army win
Bit of a dog.
(A) Dan Best
Kermit Mullins
KMT win
(D) Kermit Mullins
Dan Best
KMT win
Wow...interesting game. It was far more intense than I expected. My KMT were met by a nicely prepared defense that Dan had put in place. His HIP ambush hit me hard and by the end of Turn 3, I was personally ELR'd and considering conceding. But I kept playing and by the end of Turn 5, things had completely turned around and my KMT would steal the win.
(A) Allen Evenson
Dan Hyer
KMT win
My 'Bait' force didn't run far enough away from pursuing KMT and ended up having to surrender. Made some headway with HIP forces but ended up breaking one of the MMG's (twice). Once KMT had clear advantage the smartly pulled back and made my Red Army come after them to even the CVP score. That didn't go so well.
(D) Jeremy Maciejewski
Jamey Cribbs
In progress
Learned not to move in stacks with low moral guys.