At 0400, a thunderous barrage began along the rain-soaked 38th Parallel; war had come to the Korean peninsula. Despite assurances from American military advisers in South Korea, the Republic of Korea’s army was not match for the forces of the north. A Korean People’s Army force totaling 100,000 troops surged southward toward Seoul, led by 150 Soviet-made T34/85 tanks, against which the South Koreans had no effective defense. The U.S. had been unwilling to provide the government of Syngman Rhee with armor amid fears he would use it to launch an invasion of the North. World War II-era 2.36 inch bazookas and light anti-tank guns proved nearly worthless against these armored spearheads. The South Koreans, however, did not disintegrate in the face of the Communist onslaught; tough resistance was offered in a number of places, one being the village of Munsan-ni, 35 miles northwest of Seoul.
Attacker: North Korean (3rd Division)
Defender: South Korean (11th and 12th Infantry Regiments, 1st Division)
7.5 turns
Players: 2 OBA: None Night: No
Unit Counts:
Squads: A:15.0 D:17.5
AFVs: A:4
T-34/85 x 2 SU-76M x 2
AFVs: D:0
Guns: A:0
14.5mm PTRD-41 ATR x 2
M3A1 37mm AT Gun M2 60mm Mortar x 2
Misc Rules:
KW terrain, Wooden buildings, Rowhouse black bars and PRINTED stairwells d/n exist.
Soft ROK. The ROK set-up contemplated a fighting withdrawal to Board 23 - easier said than done - but bungled it. Nonetheless, still a close thing, with the KPA exposed to all sorts of fire in the village warrens and alleys, but prevailing in the last turn. A better strategy for ROK is an immediate/rapid "bug-out" from Board 23 (dm MTRs) leaving behind a few ambush Human Bullets, and using these units to make the bridge approaches virtually impassable. Live and learn.
(D) Paul Works
Paul Sidhu
South Korean win
(A) Eric Partizan Eric
South Korean win
(A) neal ekengren
Juan Santa Cruz
South Korean win
I neutralized a spread out defense bypassing most of it. Lost in the end failing lots of elite MC. Couldn't get enough squads into the waterfront buildings to make that final turn swim. Fun scenario.
(A) Will Willow
Jim Bishop
South Korean win
VASL. Had to run the gauntlet on the last turn and couldn't do it.
(D) Dan Best
Kermit Mullins
North Korean win
(A) Kermit Mullins
Dan Best
North Korean win scenario. Dan and I took it to the final movement phase. The early turns were rough on the South Koreans, but the SK sniper managed to recall both SU-76's. My North Koreans were in good command of the battle up until Turn 6. After Turn 6, Dan's remaining SK squads really put up a fight and hurt me. The 37LL managed to deliberately immobilize on T-34/85 and the then the other T-34/85 was immobilized by street fighting. A final Close Combat win by the NK boys sealed the win and allowed 16 points to cross the canal.
(A) Michael Rodgers
Seth Semenza
South Korean win
Seth make good use of the HBH to assist the defence. The NK took too many casualties during the six turns that I played. When I conceded, none of the SK HIP had appeared yet. They were all near the bridge.
(A) Michael Rodgers
Bruno L'Archeveque
North Korean win
Bruno had an up-front defence and also moved some rear guys forward to meet the NK attack. He had bad luck with HBH and used his HIP BAZ crew against infantry; they never killed a tank. A lot of South Koreans were taken prisoner. His squad and HMG that were covering the bridge got taken out by a T34 CH. He conceded in the 6th turn with only one G.O. squad left.
(A) keith Spurlock
Andy Hershey
North Korean win
[Imported from ROAR]
(D) Jeff B
Magnus Rimvall
North Korean win
6.5 hrs
I played a fairly strong upfront defense with my Board 10 force (with the exception of the 8-1, whom I ran back to join the Board 23 force on the far side of the canal). I used my HIP units on the near side of the canal to hopefully try and create some rout issues. This never materialized as my opponent was very methodically safe in his advance. In fact he spent more than half the game just crossing over onto Board 23, in the process pretty well capturing my entire near side force. I had dug two foxholes bracketing both bridge exit hexes and placed my two BAZ there, figuring I would get a side shot with at least one of them. I also placed all but one TBH HIP. I didn't really get many good opportunities with them due to the aforementioned careful approach. I had one on the opening moves of the game but came up empty, and then had a successful one on the first bridge-crossing T-34. My opponent opted to blast me as close to oblivion as possible before putting all his bridge-crossing assets in a last-turn basket. This was risky as some good luck on my part could quickly pin or break units on either of the three bridge hexes and cause dreaded overstacking but, alas, this was not to be. My gun MALFd on its very first shot, my bore sighted mortar whiffed, and both BAZ were long out of action. I had covered all three hexes with residual, but all he needed to do was armored assault two tanks and two stacks of infantry across and he would have game, which is exactly what he did. I can't say this was the most enjoyable game I've ever played. It didn't start out too bad, but became extremely tedious about halfway through. So far both Korea scenarios I have played have been duds.
(D) Ron Garcia
Darryl M.
South Korean win
(D) Lawrence Spangler
Diane Spangler
South Korean win
(A) Diane Spangler
Lawrence Spangler
South Korean win
(A) Tuomo Lukkari
Mikko Lukkari
North Korean win
[Imported from ROAR]
(A) Tom Kearney
Alan Saltzman
North Korean win
I attacked all across the front in order to gain as much information of the enemy defense as possible. During the course of the battle I lost an SU-76 to a Human Bullet and a T-34/85 to a side shot from a bazooka. Toward the end of the game most of the South Korean force had been eliminated; all I had to do was get across the bridge. A RoK conscript and a first line squad were all that stood in my way. However, the first line squad was on the far side of the stream and had set a DC on the bridge exit hex. As fate would have it one of my half squads went berserk and charged across the bridge, getting blasted by the DC. I drove my remaining armor across and moved about four squads and a 9-2 onto the bridge. The overstacked infantry stack advanced onto the far side of the stream to win the game on the very last turn. Great game!