Dispatches from the Bunker #53

Published by: The Bunker. March 2022
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First issue for 2022! Four new Scenarios designed by Steven Swann, Vince Lewonski, Stephen Johns and a 3 Player Scenario by Tom Morin. Carl Nogueira continues his popular Tactical Tips, "Hiding in Plain Sight" Part II. Also included are previews and information regarding Nor'easter XXVI and Tussle in the Tundra 2022.

Map board(s):


Articles and Resources:

Hiding in Plain Sight, Concealment in ASL Part IICarl NogueiraRules and Strategy10-17
Dispatch #5 Scenarios-SummariesVic ProvostReviewBackpage


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DB167: Blow That Bridge!09 7.27Wygonitschi, on the Bryansk-Gomel Rail LineETOPartisanGerman2.1 hrs56% German16%
DB169: Sternebeck's Sortie027 6.35Between Bullingen and Wirtzfeld, BelgiumWTOGerman (SS)American4.9 hrs68% American47%
DB170: One War's End01 8.00East of Hengyang, Hunan Province, ChinaCBIAmericanChinese Bandits vs Red Chinese5.1 hrs100% Chinese Bandits vs Red Chinese2%
DB168: What's Up Yours?04 7.00Cuinchy, FranceETOAlliedGerman5.5 hrs56% Allied7%

 * Popularity is the sum of Roar and Archive reported playings based as a percentage of the parent publication's total games.

 (Dark) grey rows indicate Night scenarios.

Median length of scenarios: 5hrs

Average rating of scenarios: 7.16

Total playing time: 17.6hrs

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