Oblivion Pack

Published by: Fanatic Enterprises. January 2006
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FE 118: Zaporohze Island09 7.00Zaporozhye Island, UkraineETOHungarianRussian4.2 hrs78% Russian26%
FE 116: Bad Neighbor Policy02 6.00Ubrez, SlovakiaETOSlovakianHungarian4.7 hrs100% Hungarian6%
FE 120: Nasty Business02 6.00Lojev, RussiaETOSlovakianPartisan5.2 hrs100% Partisan6%
FE 124: Paulis Detachment02 Paulis, RomaniaETOHungarianRomanian10.9 hrs100% Hungarian6%
FE 125: Lessons Learned the Hard Way02 4.50Biala Palanka, BulgariaETOBulgarianGerman (SS)2.4 hrs100% German (SS)6%
FE 123: Enemies All Around01 5.00Vakarel, BulgariaETOBulgarianGerman5.2 hrs100% Bulgarian3%
FE 117: Sanok Action00 Sanok, RussiaETOSlovakian/GermanRussian12.7 hrsUnknown0%
FE 119: The Face of War00 Kerch, RussiaETORomanianRussian7.8 hrsUnknown0%
FE 121: Allies in a Few Days00 Podul Iloaiei, RomaniaETORomanianRussian15.1 hrsUnknown0%
FE 122: Slovakian Slugfest00 Zilnia, SlovakiaETOGermanSlovakian/Partisan8.6 hrsUnknown0%
FE 126: Path to Retribution00 Knin, DalmatiaETOYugoslavian (NOVJ)German/Croatian13.2 hrsUnknown0%
FE 127: Junkyard Wars00 Yastrebci, HungaryETOBulgarianGerman9.9 hrsUnknown0%

 * Popularity is the sum of Roar and Archive reported playings based as a percentage of the parent publication's total games.

 (Dark) grey rows indicate Night scenarios.

Median length of scenarios: 8.2hrs

Average rating of scenarios: 5.7

Total playing time: 99.9hrs

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