The Tabacalera Cigar Factory and warehouses were situated along the western shore of the Estero de Tanque. From here the Japanese could interdict any movement across the estero or the nearby bridge. Initial attacks on 10 February were repulsed by intense machine gun, mortar and small arms fire. The buildings would need to be cleared prior to any advance towards the Government buildings in downtown Manila. Doing so would exact a heavy price in blood and suffering for soldiers of both sides.
Attacker: American (129th Infantry Regiment, 37th Infantry Division)
Defender: Japanese (5th Naval Battalion)
5.5 turns
Players: 2 OBA: None Night: No
Unit Counts:
Squads: A:12.5 D:8.0
AFVs: A:0
AFVs: D:0
Guns: A:0
M2 60mm Mortar x 2
Type 98 High-Angle Machine Cannon Type 89 Heavy Grenade-Launcher
HMG went on a tear and nearly won the game for me but last turn the Ami's were able to surround and lock down the buildings. Good intro to the Manila pack for sure - feels slightly pro-American.
(D) Ron Garcia
Darryl M.
American win
Another static Manila defensive scenario for my Japanese. The low American morale isn't much of a problem with good cover. With US HS's the same strength as a 2nd line Japanese squad, most CC's - and there were a lot - went to the Americans. The Japanese don't have much incentive to fire as retaining concealment and skulking might buy enough time for the them.
In my game it almost worked, but the sheer amount of firepower the Americans have was too much. My friend's slow and steady pressure melted my forces before him. The game was effectively over with one turn to go, but I decided to see if some miracle would happen with my last leader, squad, and crew on the first level of the last building that hadn't fallen. The US flamethrower sealed their fate, and I lost every single unit in my OB.
Having played the first four M:S&F scenarios as the Japanese has not been exciting so far. They are put in pretty static positions and have to hope for the best. Not the most exciting way to play.
(D) Lawrence Spangler
Diane Spangler
American win
(A) Diane Spangler
Lawrence Spangler
American win
(D) Simon Staniforth
Ian Ainsworth
Japanese win
A narrow win with a single step reduced squad remaining. I was amazed how much the initial on board blazes spread, building 4L55 being completely consumed by fire at game end. We did have a Mild Breeze spring up in this game which increases the chances of Blaze spread downwind. Indeed the fires ensured an IJA win with a US leader and a couple of squads ready to jump the final Japanese MMC in CC but their Location contained a Flame which of course combusted forcing a voluntary break and rout away. Close game would happily play again. This is the smallest of the S&F scenarios and not too much of the new terrain on board so a good introduction to the mapboard, which does look great. Played F2F rather than VASL
(D) Will Willow
David Lamb
American win
(A) Richard Jenulis
Brent Morris
American win
The first DR was a 12 resulting in rain and spreading blazes. By the end of the game there was heavy fall g rain and 16 blazes on board. The Americans split their force with the 8-1 directing suppressing fire fro the east with MTR and MMG, while the 9-1 and 7-0 entered the north around St. Theresa College. Turn 5 looked ugly for the Americans. Turn six, everything went right starting with a very successful rally phase. The Americans were able to ambush the Japanese defenders in three CC and obliterate the Japanese defenders for the win. The Japanese ended the game with a wounded 9-1 leader, a broken crew and two broken conscript half-squads.
(A) Andy Bagley
Neil Brunger
Japanese win
A very close game, made even more exciting by the fire that gradually spread through the Tobacco Factory, threatening to force out the Japanese even if the Americans couldn't! I went for the direct attack from the North, supported by a few squads fording the Esturos on the East side, and made steady progress although took heavy losses. In the end the fire left one factory location blaze-free, and despite capturing all the other warehouse and factory locations I wasn't able to reach this last one for victory.
(D) g db
American win
(A) Ben Jones
American win
Ha, everything is on fire, all of the time. I played this during the canicule which was fitting.
There were 9 blazes onboard by the end of the game. Three times Wayne had to break Japanese squads to rout them away.
My American attacked from all sides, a platoon crossing the river in the West, mortars firing over the river, a mmg platoon with the big leader firing from the East and another platoon attacking from the North.
It came down to the last CC. Wayne should have won, his luck was terrible, he lost his HMG on T2 and his 2 HIP 237s with LMGs were both wasted. Both were in excellent positions. One was revealed by a late WP shot and the other ambushed 3 squads and a 9-2 moving untactically for a 4-2 and malfed the LMG and cowered. He didn't survive the 9:1 -2 CC attack.
I'm seeing a theme develop here, the Japanese have just enough to survive. In none of the scenarios we've played so far have they been overly strong. Just strong enough.